The end-user successfully purchased a plan but the plan status remains “Pending”
First, follow steps 2 - 5 in the troubleshooting guide. If your issue is not solved, please follow the steps below:
If the user is still unable to call or access data, ask the user to make sure that roaming is enabled on their device. Once roaming is enabled, please restart the device and wait for up to 5 minutes for successful connectivity. Note this won’t be relevant if the device does not have optional roaming.
If the payment method used to purchase the subscription has been declined, the subscription may stay in “pending” for 24 hours before changing status to cancelled.
It is also possible that the end-user has entered the address incorrectly. Please ask them to verify the address details, including: ZIP code, street name, house number, city, state. Once the correct address has been confirmed, you can edit the end-users address in Dashboard under their User section. You can then contact in order to have the subscription activation reattempted.
Finally, it may be that the user is in a location where there is simply no service from the relevant carrier. Ask the user to try again at another location to see if this resolves the issue. Frequently, users are also aware of which service providers have coverage in their area.
If none of the above solves the connectivity issues, please reach out to us at, outlining the steps followed in the troubleshoot guide above.