How to cancel a subscription
Updated over a week ago

To cancel an end user’s subscription, please follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to the Gigs Dashboard.

  2. In the dashboard:

    1. Look under either the User or Subscription tab and search for the relevant user.

    2. From the drop-down menu in the top right, select “Cancel subscription” (see image below).

    3. You will then be prompted to either cancel the subscription immediately or at the end of their current payment period and to give, or not give, a refund. You issue a partial refund by entering the exact amount you wish to refund. Please select accordingly.

Note: Beginning April 15th, the partial refunds feature will be temporarily disabled in order to carry out some brief, scheduled maintenance.

  • If a subscription has been canceled immediately, it cannot be reactivated. If the subscription has been canceled and is set to end at the end of the current period, it can be reactivated at any point up until the end of the current period. You can do this by using the “Actions” dropdown in the top right to select “Resume subscription”.

  • After the expiration date, the user must purchase a replacement subscription.

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