Guide: Devices Tab
Updated over a week ago

Devices Tab

In this tab, you’ll be able to see all registered Devices in your project. As a reminder, Devices are only required for AT&T SIM activations due to their strict allowlisting requirements. For all other carriers, Devices are simply a management tool for internal purposes. For example, any customers who are providing their employees with connectivity on work phones, they may use the Device registry to keep track of which device is being used by which employee.

At a glance you'll see whether the Device is currently in use or not, the IMEI (unique identifier) and the User and SIM associated with it.

On this page, there is a filtering option just under the Devices title. You can use the filtering button to find all devices associated with a specific User or SIM.

On the top right corner, you will see some more functions available:

Add a Device

This is a relatively new feature on the Dashboard which allows you to manually add a Device to your project. All that's needed here is the Device IMEI (unique identifier, think of this as the serial number) and the preferred Device Name (this can be anything useful for your team to recognize the Device).


By clicking on this, you can export all the information in the Devices tab into a CSV file. Our customers use this typically for internal reporting or other record keeping if necessary.

Search Bar

This can be used to find any Device registered in your project using IMEI or Device ID. This can be useful for support enquiries.

Individual Device Pages

By clicking into each Device, you can see more detailed information including:

  • Any SIMs and Subscriptions associated with Devices that are currently in use

  • Brand and Model - these are auto-populated using the IMEI

  • Type (smartphone, smartwatch, tablet etc)

  • Supported SIM Types (eSIM or pSIM, or both)

You can find out more information or manage the Subscription, SIM and User directly on this page.

Device Settings

In the top right corner of every individual Device page, you'll see a button titled Settings. When you click on this, four different options come up as below:

  • Change Ownership

  • Manage SIMs

  • Edit Device Details

  • Reset Device

Please see this section in the Help Centre for more information on Device Settings.

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