Guide: Plans Tab
Updated over a week ago

Plans Tab

In this tab, you’ll be able to see all Plans ever made available in your project, including those that are currently available, drafted/pending or archived. You can also filter for each of these statuses by clicking on the Filter button or the subtitles at the top of the page.

On this overview page, you can see some key information for each Plan including price, provider, SIM type and when it was created.

On the top right corner you'll find the classic Export and Search Bar functionality, see more details on these below. The Add a Plan page is part of our wider initiative to make the Dashboard more self service, so this feature is currently in beta testing and will be coming soon!

Export button

By clicking on this, you can export all the information in the Plan tab into a CSV format.

Search Bar

This can be used to find a specific Plan in your project, which is particularly useful overtime as Plans can be archived or adjusted as you grow with Gigs.

Individual Plan Pages

By clicking into each Plan, you can see all the information an end user will see when they're deciding which plan to purchase. This includes the plan card (thumbnail image), the allowances, price and other details.

On the top right corner, the Actions button will allow you to Edit a Plan directly in the Dashboard.

Editing a Plan

This feature allows you to edit the plan name, details and plan card that are shown to the end user in the Connect flow. Make any edits and click save for these to be updated in real time.

Please note the specifications needed for plan cards specifically - this will make sure the sizing is optimised for the Connect flow.

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