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My phone number transfer isn't going through

What to do if your phone number port is being declined

Updated over a week ago

For context on what porting is, please check here.

Current provider: The provider that you're currently with. This is the provider you're trying to transfer your phone number away from.

New provider: The provider that you're wanting to move to. This is the provider you're trying to transfer your phone number to.

If your number port is being declined, there are a few things you can do to help make it successful:

Verify information with your current provider:

When a phone number port is requested, this is essentially a verification process. You can also think of it as providing a password and answers to security questions. If the information isn't matching, the port will fail. Because of this, it's incredibly important to verify information with your current provider.

Account Number

When porting into a new provider, you will be asked for your account number. This will not necessarily be the same account number that you see on your cellular account, and may be a special account number that is specific to porting.

Because of that, it's good practice to verify your porting account number with your current provider.


The porting PIN is like a password of sorts, and signals that you have permission to move the phone number. There are a few things to keep in mind about PINs:

  • Many PINs will expire. The expiration time will depend on the carrier, but it can range from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. Please check with your current provider on your PIN's expiration date to see if you need a new one.

  • If there is port protection on your line, a special PIN may be required to bypass the port protection. Please confirm this with your current provider.


While there may be some leeway to the address itself, the ZIP code must be a match. Please confirm the ZIP code that's needed to port out with your current provider. There are occasions where a provider will use a ZIP code for an account that the subscriber is not familiar with. In these instances, the subscriber is not able to accurately provide the ZIP code without first confirming it with their current provider.


While you may want to use another name for your account with your new provider (such as if you were on your parent's plan, and want to move to your own plan), you will need to provide the account holder name for the port out. If you do not provide the account holder name, the port will be declined.

Port Protection

Port protection is placed on a line to prevent it from being moved to another carrier without additional permission.

Please confirm with your current provider that port protection has been removed from the line OR that you have been given a PIN that will bypass the port protection.

Things to note with port protection:

  • Some carriers will automatically place port protection on a line:

    • Randomly

    • When there have been too many failed port out attempts (sometimes 1 is too many)

  • Some carrier are unable to remove port protection, and instead will use a special port-out PIN to bypass it.

After you've verified your port information, please be sure to update the information with your new provider as needed.

Port is still declining:

Even after you've verified the port information, you find that your port is still declining. In these cases:

Confirm information submission with current provider:

Please show the exact port details you're entering in by doing the following:

  1. On your new provider's website/port-in flow, take a screenshot of the port details you're entering in.

  2. Give this screenshot to your current provider and ask them to verify that the information you're submitting is correct.

Confirm information submission with new provider:

Ask your new provider to confirm the information that they have submitted for the port-in request. This will help spot any unintentional discrepancies. For example, a ZIP code may be sent in the 9 digit format instead of the 5 digit format: 97404-0001 instead of just 97404.

Confirm decline reason with current provider:

Any decline reason will be determined by your current provider. The best way to find out exactly why they are declining your port request is by asking them. To do this:

  1. Contact your current provider.

  2. Ask to speak with the porting department.

  3. Ask why your most recent port-out attempt was declined.

  4. Ask what you can do to correct this decline to help the port be successful.

  5. Relay this information back to your new provider as needed.

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